By Private Treaty Franchise Agreement on:
Platt Bridge

Well positioned on a busy locality this licensed premises has a good well established 'locals' trade with darts and dominoe teams (Ladies & Gentlemens) and has been in the present ownership for some 15 years.

Ground Floor
Main Lounge:
Public Bar:
Central Bar Servery. Ladies & Gents toilets

First Floor:
Meeting Room with Servery.

Seperate Private Accomodation Comprising:
Lounge. Kitchen. 3 Bedrooms. Bathroom.

Sub Floor
Beer and Bottle Cellars.

Enclosed rear yard area with outbuildings.

All mains services are available and connected. The property has a full central heating system and intruder alarm system.

Trading Levels
We understand that the wet sales generated by the business currently vary between £3,500 and £3,800 per week. Our clients accounts confirm that this level of trading has been achieve for each of the recent years.

The property is leased from Messrs. Inn Partnership Ltd. on a 3 year Franchise Agreement, The present agreement having approx 12 months to run. Any purchaser would be entitled to a new 3 + 3 year agreement upon expiry of the existing agreement.

The present rental is £17,600 per annum.

Viewing Arrangements
Strictly by appointment which can be made via our office.