By Private Treaty Franchise Agreement on:


Appleton Village



Occupying a prominent main road position within the very popular 'Appleton Village' area of Widnes we are pleased to offer for sale the Franchise Agreement on this well established substantial detached licensed premises. Based on the successful 'Clubhouse' sports theme and run by the present vendor for some 15 years excellent trading levels are being reached on a continuing basis. Obviously the trade revolves around various sporting events with live entertainment currently being offered on Saturday and Sunday evenings. The absence of significant catering operation provides further scope for growth in the trading levels.

Ground Floor

Multi level spacious lounge areas with two entrances, separate Pool Room, Central Bar Servery, Toilet Facilities, Catering Kitchen.

First Floor

Seperate Living Accomodation
Briefly Comprising:
3 Bedrooms. Lounge. Kitchen. Bathroom. Separate W.C. Store/Office.

Second Floor
3 Further Bedrooms. Bathroom - offering scope for letting rooms.

Enclosed rear yard area. Detached garage and outbuildings. Car park to side and rear of premises.

All mains services are available and connected. The property has a full gas fired central heating system, intruder alarm system and fire alarm system.

Trading Levels
Our clients trading accounts indicate a turnover in excess of £325,000 per annum (net of V.A.T.) producing a Gross Profit Margin of some 42%.
Access will be given to our clients trading accounts only to genuinely interest parties in due course.

The property is leased from Messrs. Inn Partnership Ltd. on a 10 year Franchise Agreement which commenced in April 2001.

The present rental is £47,625.00 per annum with a Franchise Fee at the rate of 1.5% of takings also being charged. The tenant receives the benefit of a discount from standard trade price lists commencing at £35.00 per barrel from the first barrel purchased.

Purchase Price
Including all trade fixtures and fittings which include 2 large screen televisual projectors and kitchen equipment a premium of £65,000 is sought for the leasehold interest with Stock, Glass and Stores to be added, at valuation.
A full inventory of the Fixtures & Fittings will be made available to interested parties in due course.

Viewing Arrangements
Strictly by appointment which can be made via our office.