Ground Floor
Multi level spacious lounge areas with two entrances, separate
Pool Room, Central Bar Servery, Toilet Facilities, Catering
First Floor
Seperate Living Accomodation
Briefly Comprising:
3 Bedrooms. Lounge. Kitchen. Bathroom. Separate W.C. Store/Office.
Second Floor
3 Further Bedrooms. Bathroom - offering scope for letting
Enclosed rear yard area. Detached garage and outbuildings.
Car park to side and rear of premises.
All mains services are available and connected. The property
has a full gas fired central heating system, intruder alarm
system and fire alarm system.
Trading Levels
Our clients trading accounts indicate a turnover in excess
of £325,000 per annum (net of V.A.T.) producing a Gross
Profit Margin of some 42%.
Access will be given to our clients trading accounts only
to genuinely interest parties in due course.
The property is leased from Messrs. Inn Partnership Ltd. on
a 10 year Franchise Agreement which commenced in April 2001.
The present rental is £47,625.00 per
annum with a Franchise Fee at the rate of 1.5% of takings
also being charged. The tenant receives the benefit of a discount
from standard trade price lists commencing at £35.00
per barrel from the first barrel purchased.
Purchase Price
Including all trade fixtures and fittings which include 2
large screen televisual projectors and kitchen equipment a
premium of £65,000 is sought for the leasehold interest
with Stock, Glass and Stores to be added, at valuation.
A full inventory of the Fixtures & Fittings will be made
available to interested parties in due course.
Viewing Arrangements
Strictly by appointment which can be made via our office.