Ground Floor
Lounge: Public Bar: Games Lounge:
Central Bar Servery:
Ladies & Gents Toilet Facilities: Kitchen:
Beer Cellar:
First Floor
Very well maintained flat with:-
Lounge: Bathroom with shower: Kitchen: 3 Bedrooms:
Sub Floor
Store Cellars:
Enclosed rear yard area.
All mains services are available and connected. The property
has a full central heating system and intruder alarm system.
Trading Levels
Based solely on Wet Sales turnover averages some £3,750
per week:
Thanks to the discounted purchase price given by the property
owners a Gross Profit Margin of same 47.2% is achieved.
Full details and audited accounts will be made available to
interested parties in due course:
The property is held on a 10 year Pub Franchise Agreement
from Messrs. Inn Partnership Ltd. which commenced in October
The present rental is £32,090.00 p.a. with a continuing
franchise fee equating at 1.5% of net turnover. As a condition
of the agreement a discount commencing at £35.00 per
barrel from the standard trade price list is given.
Purchase Price
Including the extensive schedule of tenants trade fixtures
and fittings, inventories of which will be provided to interested
parties in due course, a premium of £27,500 is sought
for the leasehold interest with Stock, Glass and Stores to
be added, at valuation.
The price includes the benefit of a "decorating fund"
of some £3,000 which will be transferred to the purchaser.
Viewing Arrangements
Strictly by appointment which can be made via our office.